Below is an annotated list of children's literature for the elementary classroom. The books are organized by the Six Elements of Social Justice Curriculum Design (Picower, 2007). It is based on work by pre-service teachers at Montclair State University. They have read and reviewed these books and provided insights into how they can be used in K-5 settings.

Wednesday, April 22, 2015

The Smallest Girl in the Smallest Grade

The Smallest Girl in the Smallest Grade 

Written By Justin Roberts
Illustrated By Christian Robinson


Sally McCabe is the smallest girl in her school. She is so small, in fact, that hardly anyone ever notices her. She spends all day, every day being overlooked by those around her. While everyone is ignoring her, however, Sally is observing everything that happens around her. She witnessed all kinds of things she did not like, such as children being mean to one another on the playground, and school gardens being bulldozed over. Sally saw it all, and one day she decided she had had enough! She stood up in the lunch line and yelled at everyone to start paying attention to the wrongs happening around them. One by one, everyone in the school joined her stance, and put one finger in the air for support. Even the teachers and the principal stood behind Sally and supported her movement. From that moment on, Sally inspired the rest of her school to be more aware, and to ensure they did not al succumb to apathy as they had before. Everyone also began to notice Sally, and treated her as a member of the school community. She was no longer a tiny outsider looking in, but a big important part of a school actively combating bad behavior and injustice. This book would be perfect for any Pre-K, Kindergarten, or First Grade classroom. 

Element Six: Social Action

Sally took advantage of her unique position in the school community, taking note of everything that happened around her. Good and bad, Sally was aware of it all. She took this opportunity as a chance to take action and make her school a better place. She did not just make everyone aware of the injustices around them, she inspired a movement to better the school community. After Sally spoke up and challenged those around her to be better, a ripple effect began to take place. Students began to include each other in activities they never had before. The students took back the school garden. Everyone made an effort to be nicer to one another, including the smallest girl who had called them all to action, Sally McCabe.


In honor of Sally's movement, schools and classrooms could be inspired to do the same type of reform. Teachers could effectively facilitate the necessary extent of understanding by choosing a few students in the class before reading the book to be the "Sallys" of the class. These students would be chosen to observe activity in the school. Either over an afternoon, a few days, or maybe even a weeks time, depending on what works best, these students would be asked to observe the good and bad actions they see take place around them. This would have to happen unbeknownst to the other students, so certain students would have a sort of "in" to the activity. After reading the book as a class, the "Sallys" in the room would describe some of the behaviors, good and bad, that they observed. Students would then, as a class, raise their hands as the students in the book did to pledge a better school environment. Administrators, other teachers, and other classes could be invited to join into this project through speech or writing activities. This activity could also be extended to planting a school garden, as is done in the book. 

How I Reduce, Reuse, and Recycle

Author: Robin Nelson

Grade Level: Pk-2

Buy it here!



This books provides children with creative and easy ways on how to reduce, reuse, and recycle. It shows children the steps they can take to reduce trash and energy at home. It encourages children to come up with new ideas on how to reuse materials found around them, such as turning empty water battles into bird houses. There are illustrations in each page to help children visualize on how to apply each concept, such as how to recycle different types of materials. It also includes an activity, fun facts, glossary, and index, which can be incorporated into a lesson plan. This book will inspire children to become active members of their society and help take care of our planet.

Element 6: Social Action

This book goes beyond raising awareness of how we must take care of our planet, to providing students with creative ideas that will inspire them to create change and take action in helping care of our environment. It encourages children to be responsible, and provides them with the skills and knowledge they need on how to make green choices and take part of social action.

  1. Children will be write the glossary words in their notebook
  2. They will chose one word from their list, for example: Reuse
  3. They will write a story where they will have to come up with creative and fun ways they can reuse things arounds them. 
  4. They will  include an illustration that will show what is going on in the story.
  5. They will share it with the  class and we will have discussion about the topic.

Sunday, April 19, 2015

The Kid's Guide to Social Action

Title: The Kid's Guide to Social Action
Author: Barbara A. Lewis
Ages: 10 to 13

Purchase The Kid's Guide to Social Action here!

Learn about Barbara A. Lewis!

  The Kid's Guide to Social Action by Barbara A. Lewis is a how-to book for kids interested in creating social change.  This book outlines the steps needed to create social action; from defining the problem to evaluating whether a solution is working.  KGSA also lists "power skills" useful to social activists, such as giving speeches, protesting and fundraising.  Kids are even given the tools and steps on how to interact with local, state and federal governments.  Throughout KGSA are inspiring true stories of kids who successfully created positive change, whether it was getting the state government to cleanup a toxic waste dump by their school or fundraising for a teen with leukemia in their town.   It also contains a list of tools and resources that both teachers and students can use during their social projects.

Element 6: Taking Social Action:
  The Kid's Guide to Social Action is a great book for kids who are interested and ready to take social action.  The book is full of tips, examples and resources that children would find helpful while creating social change.  Students learn how to identify and research a problem, brainstorm solutions, spread awareness and find support and eventually carry out a solution. This book is also applicable to Element 5: Raising Awareness because it contains true stories of kids who fought for social justice.

How To Use This Book: 
  What makes KGSA an exceptionally useful book for the classroom is the fact that it doesn't tell kids what social issues they should change, but instead gives students the skills to identify social problems and come up with appropriate solutions on their own.  This way, students can take action against what issues mean the most to them.  Because of this, KGSA can be used in two ways; as an independent resource as students identify social issues throughout the year or in conjunction with a social justice unit - the book includes a list of social problems students can choose for an activism project.  Although this book is most appropriate for children 10-13 as an independent text, it can still be used as a classroom resource for teachers of younger children.  As mentioned before, the book is filled with printable tools such as a petition form and brainstorming worksheet.

Want more?  Check out this author's other books!

Friday, April 10, 2015

Where Does the Garbage Go?

Title: Where Does the Garbage Go?
Author: Paul Showers
Illustrated: Randy Chewning
Grade Level: K-2
Element 6: Taking Social Action
Buy it here =D !

This book is narrated by a student who talks about what she is learning in the classroom about garbage. The book continues to fulfill the readers with very important facts like, how people use to get rid of trash and where it went.  It also talks about the process of where trash was piled, which became a problem the waste was affecting the ocean animals and would float back to the beaches where people were swimming! YUCK! The book explains how they changed the way they consumed trash by making landfills and making parks out of them. It also shows statistics that 50% of paper is in our landfill! So what could the students do to help make waste reusable? The teacher introduces the concept of recycling. It explains the way you can recycle at home, and what you could recycle. Finally, what can the students do to help the environment? The book demonstrates a "how-to'' section on ways you can recycle at home and the characters in the book continue to recycle in their community.

Element 6- Taking Action:
This book is representing element 6 because it provides opportunities to take action on issues that affect students and their communities. The story clearly shows why waste can be a problem, like pollution in the air and land that can be harmful to them. The students in the story feel passionate about what they are learning and uses their knowledge about it to create a small change first hand.

This book is an informative book, and I would use it as part of a whole week lesson plan. It has different sections of learning that can be separated into different activities. For example, the story emphasizes how paper, metal, plastic and other recyclable materials are recycled. We can do a science project in making paper. Click here for instructions on how to make paper. I would also have a field trip to a landfill, just like it is told in the book.  You can ask your students to make sure to recycle at home, and find out when are the recycling and waste days to make sure that they are recycling at home. I would also do an outside activity where the students are asked to go around the school and pick up any garbage or recyclable items and sort them out to their appropriate spots.

Wednesday, April 8, 2015

My Brother Charlie

Author: Holly Robinson Peete & Ryan Elizabeth Peete (with Denene Millner)
Illustrator: Shane W. Evans
Grade Range: K-4
Element Five: Raising Awareness
Buy here!

Summary: about a sister who has a brother, Charlie, who has autism.
My Brother Charlie is a wonderful book for anyone wanting to learn about autism, despite the books’ K-4 reading level. The pictures in this book are pleasing as it portrays everyday life and activities of children. Callie and Charlie are twins who share the same characteristics and interests but are different in many ways. I like the fact that the book listed their differences before stating the information that Charlie has autism. In this way the book highlights how Charlie is different the same way anyone is different. The book is written from Callie’s perspective and how special Charlie is to her and her family. Callie loves Charlie very much and Charlie loves her. Charlie expresses his love to her by his actions more so than words. The last few sentence at the end sums up the book: “Charlie has autism but autism doesn’t have him”. This book is an excellent example of raising awareness to realize that autism does not mean a person isn't a person.

Element 5- Awareness Raising
As a future special education teacher, learning about disability is essential for my career, however, general education teachers and anyone in general could benefit from this book. Learning about disabilities raises awareness and suppresses any discomfort that some may have.  In order to raise awareness, teachers should provide opportunities for students to learn about and respect differences so they can embrace the diversity we all bring into this world. This book offers as a tool to help explain autism and covers themes of acceptance, inclusion, tolerance, challenges, and abilities. Every student can benefit from this book, no matter the grade level, as autism is becoming more recognizable and identifiable. This book does a great job of describing the characteristics of autism and how families work together to help each other. This is also a great book for children because it does a nice job of showing how all children are special and how we can find the value of uniqueness in all people.

Classroom Activity: Before reading the book, I would brainstorm with my class what they know about autism. Then I would make a web on a poster board of all answers. Note: if you have difficulty with students coming up answers about autism, then help them with the information provided at this website: (Appendix A) and display on SmartBoard. Read the book aloud and then assemble students into small groups. Ask students to talk amongst themselves to make the connection that Charlie is just like them. I would then have the students draw a big picture of themselves and write characteristics about themselves inside their pictures. We would then relate it to each other’s as well as Charlie’s and Callie’s. I would debrief the students about Charlie’s disability on how he shares characteristics with other students and that everyone is unique in their own ways.

City Green

Title: City Green
Author: Dyanne Disalvo-Ryan
Illustrator: Dyanne DiSalvo-Ryan
Grade level: grade 1 to grade 3

Hardcover (New): $14.21
Hardcover (Used): starting at $2.97
More information about author and book:

 This book written and illustrated by DyAnne DiSalvo-Ryan, is about an intelligent young girl name, Marcy, who wanted to make a change in her neighborhood after a building was demolish due to it being unsafe. There stood an empty lot filled with dirt in the middle of a neighborhood. One day, during spring Mercy wanted to make a change. She wanted to do something with the lot.  Herself and her neighbor made a list with a few of the neighborhoods’ signature on it to ask to use the lot by the city. The city approved, so Mercy and her friend started to clean and plant all types of things on it. The whole neighborhood saw what they were doing and decided to step in and help. By the time summer came, there were so many different kinds of things that were growing in a lot that use to be empty. Now this place is an area where neighbors come together to relax and play. All of this happens with one little girls hope and passion to make a change.

SJE Element 5: Raising Awareness:
This book represent element 5 in many ways. It shows a child that with some effort and hope you can do anything to make a difference. They can inspire to make a change in their classroom or neighborhood by involving people around them. Even though this book gave an example of a neighborhood coming together to make an empty lot come to life. The child can use this example and change a view of a person on anything. Such ideas can be something that deals with discrimination, bullying, helping the environment, and more!  The book can demonstrate to a child that by raising awareness on an issue, it can bring people together.  This book also gives great colorful pictures, which will intrigue the students to get involve.

As an activity I would first read this book to the class.  Then I would ask them questions on what they have learned from this and tell me what they liked about it. I would then tell the students that they would try to get the whole student body and parents if possible, to help make a difference around the school. The students will make flyers to help clean the school by picking up trash and painting anything that needs to be painted. The students will be posting these flyers all over the school. They will see that just like in the book, they can get people involve just by making others around them aware of the issue that needs to be done. 

Extra help:
I found this helpful RIF guide for educators made for this book.  It shows you different ways you can teach this book, it includes lessons plans & activities package. It focuses on balanced literacy, vocabulary, and reading strategies.  Check it out the link is right below:

Wangari's Trees of Peace

Author: Jeanette Winter
Grade Level: 2
Resource: Information about Wangari's life
Wangari’s Trees of Peace is a story about a woman who returns back to her home in Kenya to find that deforestation has devastated the land. She plants some trees herself, and then tells the other women in the village to start to do the same. She asks them to spread the word to other women to start planting trees. She starts providing women with money and information about planting trees. When the women in other villages see that Wangari’s village is growing trees successfully, they begin to plant trees too. Wangari stands up to the men cutting down the trees and is put in jail. She briefly worries that her work will stop, but she is not alone because there are so many women planting trees.
 Element 5: Raising Awareness
This book jumped out at me while I was reflecting on element 5: raising awareness because of the way that Wangari empowers the women around her to do something about their situation. The women had to collect firewood from miles away and their land was barren. Wangari’s idea was simple and the women embraced it. The way that word spread teaches children that an idea can motivate change. This book teaches students that a lot of little things can result in big change.
I would incorporate this book into my lessons about earth day and reflect on the ways that we can make changes to improve our world. I could also use it to facilitate an activity in which we grow seeds and then plant them in the ground.

Hands Are Not for Hitting

Title: Hands Are Not for Hitting

Author: Martine Agassi

Illustrator: Marieka Heinlen

Age Range: 12 months - 4 years

Grade Level: Preschool - Kindergarten

Hands Are Not for Hitting is a book from the “Best Behavior” series that explains the appropriate uses of our hands. It focuses on positive actions that can be done with hands like waving, drawing and playing.  The constant repetition of the title “Hands are not for hitting,” followed by the question “What are hands for?” is a useful technique to remind the child of the message being portrayed. Each page is accompanied by colorful illustrations that demonstrate all the acceptable, and daily uses of our hands. While there are not many words throughout the book, the simplicity is what makes the message clear to the child. This book addresses the issue of violence and makes it clear to the child that it is not an acceptable thing to practice. Additionally, at the end of the book there is a section dedicated to parents with suggestions and tips for reducing anger and violence in their child.
Note: The paperback version of this book goes into more detail about why hitting is not acceptable. It explains to the reader why we get angry and suggests different actions that can be done to cope with the anger.

Element 5: Raising Awareness:
Hands Are Not for Hitting is a great children’s book that addresses the common act of hitting in toddlers and children. Many preschool/kindergarten teachers and parents struggle with the issue of hitting with children and how to handle this so-called phase. This book addresses hitting and anti-violence in a simple way that children of a young age would understand.  Hands Are Not for Hitting uses a positive approach by providing different ways that hands are actually used for. The illustrations make it clear to the child that hitting is not something that should be done. The issue of hitting is raised in the beginning and is constantly repeated throughout the book, letting the reader know that we do not use our hands to hit.

Classroom Ideas:
This book is a great resource for setting or reminding students of classroom rules and appropriate behavior. A lesson can be formed from the title message “hands are not for hitting” and can further lead to a discussion on what can be done instead of hitting another friend or adult. Young children struggle daily with understanding their emotions, so this book can also act as a segue for learning how to control emotions and what to do when one feels a certain emotion building up. 

Tuesday, April 7, 2015

"Uncle Willie and the Soup Kitchen"

Title: "Uncle Willie and the Soup Kitchen" 
Illustration: DyANNE DiSALVO-RYAN

Purchase: CLICK TO BUY!
  • Paperback: 32 pages
  • ISBN-10: 0688152856
  • ISBN-13: 978-0688152857
Target age group: K-3 (4-8 yrs)

Lesson activity/Lesson plan materials: 
"Uncle Willie and the Soup Kitchen" Class Play. The students each take on a role and act out the book in order to learn about it's message of hunger and homelessness awareness.
Link -> Book Play

Teaching Resources: 
Support and information for teaching the connection between wealth/poverty and race as well as other social issues that effect the instances of homelessness and lack of basic needs. This link has several sets of lesson plans as well as background information on the topics and connections to be made.
Link -> Poverty + Race

"Uncle Willie and the Soup Kitchen" is a story and first person narrative of a young boy's experience with his uncle at soup kitchen and his subsequent awakening to the issue of poverty and it's related problems of hunger and homelessness. Through his experiences at the kitchen, specifically his interactions with the people who come there, he learns that hunger is not exclusively a problem that the homeless face, but rather that it affects many in many different situations and walks of life. His uncle Willie gives him insight and guidance about hungry, homelessness and poverty in their community during his visits and in result, helps the boy in developing a critical consciousness about social issues affecting the area he lives in. 

Element 5: "Raising Awareness" 
The language and structure of the book is straight forward and presents these multiple elements without prejudice and in a manner that is easily digestible for students. While targeted for children in grades k-3, there is no doubt that the language and message can be readily applied as high as 5th grade. For younger children, the vivid illustrations provide clear representations of the content, dialog and events of the story as it unfolds.
Some books in this genre touch on social issues with the intention of explaining them but this book is different in that it serves to directly model the process of developing a critical consciousness that I mentioned previously. Because of this, the book itself not only serves as a resource, but as a lesson in itself. Depending on the way the book is presented, exposure to the content can serve as either or both. Children learn about the issues of homelessness, poverty and hunger as problems that transcend a singular socioeconomic status and stereotype. They are also exposed to one of the many ways that people can become active members of their community to not only raise awareness but work for change, a directive both whole fully included in element 5 and 6. In the end, the story serves to both teach becoming aware and how to make awareness an active process instead of a static definition. These are heavy focuses and elements but the language in which they are presented in, makes them naturally obtained as the child reads or is read to. The children learn that awareness is not an ability but instead, a social process requiring active participation. 

Class Activity: (Grade 5)
  • Children are broken into two medium/large groups. 
  • On each wall of the room, a large lined paper is hung with either the title: "hunger" or "homelessness".
  • Each group is given a social issue: hunger or homelessness. 
  • Groups must write down first, what the issue is, then ways they have seen or can think of for helping others effected with said issue.
  • After the groups write down their responses on the large paper, swap and change station to the other groups paper.
  • Now the groups repeat the process.
  • After both groups write down their responses for each category, they are given a green and yellow sticky tab. Children are directed to read over the responses of each list and put a green tab for the thing they think is most important and yellow for something they don't understand or want to know more about. After all children place their tabs, the class tallies the responses for the most green and yellow. These responses are discussed further. Runner up responses are also discussed. 
  • Exit card: "I can help solve hunger by..." or "I can help the homeless by..."