Below is an annotated list of children's literature for the elementary classroom. The books are organized by the Six Elements of Social Justice Curriculum Design (Picower, 2007). It is based on work by pre-service teachers at Montclair State University. They have read and reviewed these books and provided insights into how they can be used in K-5 settings.

Thursday, October 18, 2018

All Are Welcome

Image result for all are welcome book
All Are Welcome

Author: Alexandra Penfold

Illustrator: Suzanne Kaufman

Grades: Preschool-3

This is a book about acceptance of others. The book is based in a classroom where students represent many cultures, ethnicities, religions, abilities, family structures and interests. The book repeats the saying, "All are welcome" while celebrating everyone and encouraging everyone to share/learn about each other. There are several visuals of uniqueness and the world map, inferring that the world is made up of differences but all are important. A major theme is community-that everyone brings something to the classroom and that there's so much to learn from each other. This book aligns with the second element of social justice education because it goes beyond sending the message of inclusivity by repeatedly stating that we can learn and grow from each other.

Element 2:
This book is a great representation of Element 2: Respect for Others because it exhibits students from all kinds of backgrounds and explicitly describes how we can learn from and about each other. The illustrations in this book promote pride in ones self and the representation of typically marginalized groups (POC, people with disabilities, non western cultures, etc).

This is a great welcome back to school book for a read aloud during the first week of school. Activities for students to do after doing the read aloud could be: class bingo (find someone who: has siblings), get to know your classmates: write down something about each of your classmates, pass the ball (and answer the question your hands touch on the ball). These are all activities for students to get to know their classmates better. For classroom activities to promote respecting each other click here.

Buy it here!

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