Element 2: Respect for Others
Title: Some Kids Are Deaf
Author: Lola M. Schaefer
Age: 8-12 years
Grade Level: 3rd-6th
Summary: Simple text and photographs describe children who are deaf, the ways they communicate, and some of their everyday activites. This book support the national social studies standards related to individual development and identity. After reading this book, your students will gain a sense of the day in a life of a deaf child. The book educates readers that some kids are born deaf and others can become deaf. Student readers will become familiar with tools for hearing such as hearing aids and cochlear implants. Throughout the book you can find clear pictures to inform readers that deaf kids rely on primarily on photographs to learn. Some kids who are deaf use sign language to communicate by using hand signs that represent letters, words, and numbers. Children will understand that speech therapists help teach kids who are deaf to communicate.
SJE: Even if you do not have deaf children in your classroom, it is imperative to educate your students about deaf culture. This will ensure respect for others in your classroom atmosphere. This author also writes children books about kids who are blind, kids who have autism, kids that use wheelchairs and leg braces.
Activities: As a teacher, I would read the book to my students and elaborate on every aspect of the deaf culture. After educating my students on the deaf world, I would then teach them sign language. First starting with the alphabet and numbers, then exploring into words and phrases in sign language. Through experience, once children are taught to talk with their hands they become infatuated. Hopefully this new exploration will lead to classroom trips that involve deaf experiences.
Read More : Kelley, Walter P. Deaf Culture A to Z. Austin, Texas: Buto Limited, 2003.
Petelinsek, Kathleen, and E. Russell Primm. At School/En la escula. Talking Hands. Chanhassen, Minn.: Child’s World, 2006.
Royston, Angela. Deafness. What’s It Like? Chicago: Heinemann Library, 205.
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